From service animals to recreative substances, there are a lot ways to help and support you by whatever it is you have going on. The only special assistance Team Poule frequently calls for, comes in the form of German singer and producer Der Assistent and his sun-drenched tunes that take you straight under the cooling shade of juniper trees and offer the kind of air-conditioned hotel lobby climate that routinely attracts Western spies in the tropics.
Der Assistent just released his second album titled Amnesie am Amazonas – out via the wonderful Papercup Records in Cologne – and it neatly continues the sort of international, detached mood that makes you feel lost, found and right at home. Reason enough for Team Poule to reach out and see what he is all about. Hit play on the latest single Blaue Stunde, and scroll through the visuals.
Where did it all begin?

Where do you want to go?

Where are you now?

What’s your process?

What’s the biggest hurdle?

Where do you draw energy from?

Which feeling do you want to express?

Where do we go from here?

Listen to Der Assistent’s new album and his back catalogue, where ever you feel comfortable.
You may also find interest in this list of upcoming tour dates, playing relevant parts of the Bundesrepublik of Germany:
15. Oct Berlin – Studio eins//Radio eins
17. Oct Düsseldorf – RVTC
18. Oct Frankfurt – ONO2
19.Oct Köln – King Georg
30. Jan Nürnberg – Desi
31. Jan Stuttgart – Merlin
01. Feb Aalen – Kollektiv K
And if you enjoyed this visual experience, check out our prized Photo-Interview series and follow our Spotify playlist to never miss the best new tunes again.
Title photo by the one and only Wilma Renfordt. All other photos courtesy of Der Assistent.