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Highball: a playlist for your average October night

highball_1Spread your wings, relax your feet and legs and just let the maritime airs carry you for a bit. It is October now, and it comes packing cold winds, early nights and very sunny days still. Nothing beats a cold early fall day spent by sea when the sun still has those indian summer vibes. Reason enough then to release a seasoned playlist out into this autumnal setting. Attached below is Highball – a selection of rad, and new, tracks out on the Soundclouds of this Earth.

On it, you will find Melbourne’s SamTilley making the opening with a divine indie pop track, Los Angeles producer Warm Binary and one of his warm binaries, New Zealand’s Ghost Wave with a lovely fuzzy track, French producer Teagre and his vast snyths and vocals, Glasgow’s ISLE with a banging tropical fused gem, Italien indie poppers HAN and German indie pop heads Fluffy Floor.

Furthermore, indie treasures by Hunck, Look Vibrant, Psychic ShakesOver Sands and Dead Heart Bloom, 80s vibes by Novelties and Arro Jones, and, finally, soothing electronic waves by Jonah Conrad and Silk Drop.

The full list is attached below, at your convenience. Team Poule says, take aim, and give it a go.

2 comments… add one
  • Manon December 31, 2016, 4:16 pm

    so good! <3

    • poule January 20, 2017, 11:31 pm

      thank you M ! glad you enjoy.

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