Last month Hamburg’s prestigious Astra Stube hosted a fine bunch of Norwegians and Disaster In The Universe put on one of the most amazing concerts Team Poule ever attended. They transformed the somewhat livingroom-like venue into a tropical jungle paradise: palm trees, leaves, neon colours on their faces. Custom draperies along the monitors and up the walls. Beautiful. And they wore sort of tights with aztec patterns – effortlessly pulling it off in a Kanye West I-can-stand-there-in-a-speedo-and-still-be-looked-at-like-a-fucking-hero-style. Those guys!
And then of course there was the music. Infectious indie pop with an electronic-folk-ish twist. They sport one of those wooden sort of tribal-looking xylophones on stage, not sure what they are called – but loving them. So this is their latest brilliant single Recovering – certainly one of Team Poule’s favorites this year. They shared the track for the new Poule d’Or compilation too, so if you dig the song – grab a free download on Poule d’Or 11 here.