Poule d’Or stands today on the edge of a New Frontier. My good friend Chin will run this all new segment and regularly explore uncharted areas of good music. Not bound to a specific genre, New Frontier will go beyond the familiar Poule d’Or sound and introduce music that might not be on everyone’s radar yet, but which is too fresh, smooth, brilliant, banging, fun, swagger – you get the idea – to be kept in the closet. So here we go, take it away Chin:
When the idea of New Frontier came up, the first artist I thought about introducing was Rainy Milo. Her jazzy, gentle voice is the perfect starter for New Frontier because she is most definitely one to keep your eyes and ears on! 16-years young and unsigned singer Rainy Milo just graduated from the renowned BRIT School in London that counts Alumni such as Amy Winehouse or Adele. At the beginning of the year out of nowhere the Interlude ‘Bout You’ caught my attention. With little over two minutes this track was on constant repeat on my playlist. And I knew, this girl HAS to put an album out. Desires not heard yet, no album in near sight. But a new Rainy track finally appeared on Soundcloud. Who would have thought that Rainy days are goooood days.
Find out yourself and listen below to the Oddisee-produced track ‘The Other Way’ and the already mentioned ‘Interlude’ and leave a comment how you like it.
[soundcloud width=640 url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/57388696″ iframe=”true” /]
[soundcloud width=640 url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/30465940″ iframe=”true” /]
Rainy Milo is also part of the Last Night In Paris collective of singers, rappers and visual artists which are all mainly from London. Watch LNIP’s first music video ‘Too Many Stars’ with Rainy, Nova Dreamz and Flowzart: