Nightbox – Pyramid | buy on iTunes | free download on facebook
Nightbox are Jake (vocals), Nick (Percussion), James T. (guitar), Andrew (Bass) and James S. (electronics). Their debut EP is out now on iTunes, you can test-drive it on soundcloud.
Where are you from?
The rolling hills of Wicklow, Ireland but we’re currently based in Toronto, Canada. – Andrew
Where did you meet each other?
Myself and my brother Jake grew up in Toronto. Then we moved to Ireland a while back and met the other three lads in school there. – Nick
What are major influences to your sound?
David Wise’s work in the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack for Super Nintendo. I used to play that game a lot growing up before I ever picked up an instrument. I’d say it has definitely influenced our sound. – Jake
What’s your first musical memory?
When I was 7, I was obsessed with Daft Punk’s “Around the World”. My dad surprised me and bought me “Homework”. My first ever CD! – Jake
Are there any producers or artists you would like to collaborate with?
We were fortunate enough to work with Sebastien Grainger of Death From Above 1979 and Al-P of MSTRKRFT on the EP we just released. We respect what they’ve done with their music so it was a privilege to work with both of them. – James S.
Can you live off your music or do you have other -regular people- jobs?
We’ve all got other jobs. Nightbox is a band of bussers, baristas and bankers. – Nick
What are your plans for 2011?
Live the dream like Charlie Sheen! – James T.
Press play on your iPod and list the first three songs that come up.
Suuns – PVC, Steely Dan – Black Cow, Talking Heads – Take Me to the River
Favorite take away food?
Recently, we’ve become chicken shawarma fanatics. Been spending a lot of time and money at the local Ali Baba’s. – James S.
What kinda car do you drive?
Public transportation! The streetcars are way too intimate though. I’m really not a fan of dry riding strangers. – James T.
Best gig in 2010?
Flying Lotus killed it back here in September. It was an absolutely mental show. – Andrew
Thanks for taking the time!
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