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It’s here: The first Poule d’Or Compilation!!!

I spent the past weeks getting in touch with a lot of promising bands because I wanted to put together a compilation for you, my loyal readers, to download. It was absolutely amazing being involved with the artists and I was very surprised by the amount of positive feedback I got. So my thanks go out to all the 12 amazing bands and solo artists who wanted to be a part of this. I hope you enjoy the carefully selected tracks and maybe find a new favorite!

Let me briefly introduce you to the 12 artists:

1. Brahms: Indiepop-trio from Brooklyn. I wrote about them a few weeks ago, here.

2. Sunbirds: Indiepop from James, Dean, Ben & Denis from the UK.

3. Wait.Think.Fast: Indiepop-trio from Los Angeles.

4. Germany Germany: Drew Harris from Canada. Interviewed him here. Astonishing production.

5. Museum of Bellas Artes: Probably my favorite track of the 12. Been listening to it for months now and I am really proud they wanted to be a part of this. They are from Sweden.

6. NY Fan: Solo project of Dutchwoman Fanny Bartels, former lead singer of We Are Fans. Brilliant electropop.

7. Sexual Earthquake in Kobe: French electronic punk quintet from Lille. See my epic live experience.

8. Hesta Prynn: Solo project of Julie Potash from female hiphop-indierock band Northern State.

9.Sunglasses: Samuel Cooper and Brady Keehn from Georgia, US.

10. Hi Tiger: New York electropop band. According to the chinese calender, this will be their year..

11. Missions: Josh Mills, Markus Diffee & Amber Zook from Texas.

12. Hard Mix: Noah Smith from South Carolina. I wrote a bit about him here.

So that’s it. 12 of the finest artists out there. I want to thank each and everyone of them for making this possible. It’s been so much fun.

Now go ahead, click my carefully designed artwork, and enjoy the first Poule d’Or Compilation. I hope you like it. Drop me a comment, let me know what you think.

Actually ran out of downloads!

you wanna be on the next compilation? email me: hen@pouledor.com

9 comments… add one
  • dh February 17, 2010, 8:59 pm

    epic, so epic.

    • hen February 19, 2010, 1:32 am

      thanks man, really appreciate it!

  • Eric_B February 20, 2010, 5:31 pm

    Great compilation!

    • hen February 21, 2010, 4:54 pm

      merci beaucoup!

  • milena September 21, 2010, 3:52 am

    ok, the downloading has just started :) I got interested in the compilation because of Museum of Bellas Artes (I adore their “Who do you love” song!) let’s find out if anything else’s gonna catch my attention:)

    • hen September 21, 2010, 12:41 pm

      ha, keep me posted :-)

  • LaMar Johnson November 24, 2010, 3:50 am

    You guys rock!!!!!

    • hen November 24, 2010, 12:30 pm


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