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the obligatory favorite albums of the past year post

10b. Dam-Funk – Toeachizown Vol. 1 – 5

10a. WhoMadeWho – The Plot

9. Passion Pit – Manners

8. The xx – xx

7. James Pants – Seven Seals

6. Kid Cudi – Man On The Moon: The End Of Day

5. The Drums – Summertime!

4. Mayer Hawthorne – A Strange Arrangement

3. Chester French – Love the Future

2. Empire of the Sun – Walking on a Dream

1. Miike Snow – Miike Snow

notes: no “animal collective” in my list. i just dont understand what everybody i seeing in them, not feeling them at all..

and miike snow’s album is so much better than everything else released in the past twelve months, it should actually take the first three places..

5 comments… add one
  • Penny January 11, 2010, 3:58 am

    You are soooo right about Miike Snow! :D
    Best band ever!


    • hen January 11, 2010, 6:55 pm

      congrats, the first ever comment on my blog. :) thanks so much!

  • Brandon @ TBE January 21, 2010, 7:31 pm

    I don’t have enough hands for all the high fives I want to throw your way! Miike Snow straight murdered in 2009 and I lucked out by seeing them live 3 times. Sweeeet. I too did a bit of drooling over them over at TBE.

    And boooo on AnCo! Good looks on calling bullshit on that album.

    • goldhenne January 21, 2010, 8:30 pm

      hey brandon, thanks for the flowers. and what an honor to have a “pro” blogger reading my blog, as i am a frequent reader of TBE. you guys rock. whenever i link to a band’s myspace page i am minded to write “bury your face in myspace” – as an homage to TBE haha.

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